Address: SeaSide Mediterranean, Palmira, La Paz, BCS, Mexico .Live a unique experience with two incredible wonders in the world, sloop beach + 100% transparent boat!
We start our tour setting sail from the dock located at the restaurant "Sea Side Mediterraneo" entering through the access of the hotel la concha, aboard the only 100% transparent boat in the world heading to "Balandra", where we will pass by beaches like el tesoro, pichilingue, San Juan Nepomuceno Island or better known as Isla Gaviotas and El Merito Island until we reach one of the most beautiful and iconic beaches in the world where you will see the famous rock known as "The Mushroom" of Balandra and enjoy an incredible photo session with spectacular scenery. On the way back we will make our last stop at Lobera "San Rafaelito" where you can appreciate the habitat of the sea lions and incredible reefs with a great variety of fish, a spectacular marine fauna!
Approximate duration : 2 hours
INCLUDES: - A bottle of water - Dock access - Access bracelet for protected natural areas - Certified guide
NOT INCLUDED: - Photographs - Propinas
Island Trip
Address: Isla Cerralvo, Baja California Sur, Mexico .Great way to see Isla Cerralvo and the surrounding area. We leave early and head over to the south end of the Island to go snorkel and swim with a sea lion colony. Bring your spear guns if you want to catch dinner! After that we will either stop at another reef or go exploring the beach on the Island. Once the wind comes up we have a nice sheltered flat water spot to ride that is great for photos. When everybody is done we kite back to the mainland(approx ~15km) with boat support in case of any emergency.
TOUR BALANDRA Live a unique experience with two incredible wonders in the world, sloop beach + 100% transparent boat!We start our tour setting sail from the dock located at the restaurant "Sea Side Mediterraneo" entering through the access of the hotel la concha, aboard the only 100% transparent boat in the world heading to "Balandra", where we will pass by beaches like el tesoro, pichilingue, San Juan Nepomuceno Island or better known as Isla Gaviotas and El Merito Island until we reach one of the most beautiful and iconic beaches in the world where you will see the famous rock known as "The Mushroom" of Balandra and enjoy an incredible photo session with spectacular scenery. On the way back we will make our last stop at Lobera "San Rafaelito" where you can appreciate the habitat of the sea lions and incredible reefs with a great variety of fish, a spectacular marine fauna!Approximate duration : 2 hoursINCLUDES: - A bottle of water - Dock access - Access bracelet for protected natural areas - Certified guideNOT INCLUDED: - Photographs - PropinasSCHEDULES TOUR "BALANDRA": 09:00 AM, 11:30 AM Y 2:00 PMRESERVE IN FRONT DESKIsland Trip Great way to see Isla Cerralvo and the surrounding area. We leave early and head over to the south end of the Island to go snorkel and swim with a sea lion colony. Bring your spear guns if you want to catch dinner! After that we will either stop at another reef or go exploring the beach on the Island. Once the wind comes up we have a nice sheltered flat water spot to ride that is great for photos. When everybody is done we kite back to the mainland(approx ~15km) with boat support in case of any emergency.